Posted by: James Rhodes | September 10, 2011

Noel Gallagher!!

If you log onto my computer, you’ll find a list I made at the beginning of the year of the people I’d most like to meet in 2011. Number 1 is Chris Martin / Coldplay. Number 2 is Noel Gallagher. That highlights how happy I am right now. If you know my collection well, you’ll know I’ve already met Noel twice, but since seeing Oasis live in July 2009, I’ve wanted the tour programme signed. 2 years, 2 months minus one day since seeing them live, today was the day the programme finally got signed!

Noel was (is as I type) presenting a show on BBC Radio 2, and there was no chance I was going to ignore the chance to meet him. Arrived at 12 for a 3PM show, not really knowing a) what time he’d arrive and b) whether he’d sign or not. He arrived around 1.20, and was happy to sign. He kindly signed and dedicated my tour programme, with the nicest signature I’ve ever got off him (he normally signed Noel or NG, but this is a full name). So happy!!

And for those of you who don’t know Oasis, here’s a video by me of their concert in 2009. Who else can sell out Wembley stadium and then get ther crowd to sing an entire song? Breathtaking.

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